Field Theories of Gravity, Cosmology and Black Holes


Effective QFT of Gravity
- Asymptotic safety
- Virtual and real black hole states in the UV completion of gravity (classicalization)
- Rigorous QFT on curved space-time
- General f(R) theories of gravity;
- QFT on de Sitter and anti-de Sitter spaces

- Inflationary scenario and the CMB
- Dark energy
- Modified gravity models
- Child universe formation
- Dark matter
- Quantum cosmology
- String cosmology

Black holes physics
- Formation of trapping surfaces and onset of Hawking evaporation in gravitational collapse of astrophysical objects
- Persistence of classical singularities in the quantum theory and regular black holes
- Microscopic models of black holes as BECs gravitons
- Analogue models of Hawking radiation
- String phenomenology in astrophysics
- Primordial black holes