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Phenomenology of the Fundamental Interactions

Phenomenology of the Fundamental Interactions
This INFN research collaboration focuses on the phenomenology (observable consequences) of several Quantum Field Theory models.
Such models can refer to a subset of the Standard Model of particle physics (SM) and to several extensions beyond it (BSM) which are considered in order to overcome some of its limits. Indeed, in spite of its impressive success, the SM is believed to be an effective theory, i.e. a low energy manifestation of a more fundamental theory.
A wide spectrum of experiments - the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), together with flavor, neutrino and astro-particle experiments - is entering the unexplored territory lying beyond the electroweak scale, with the potential of leading to important breakthroughs in our understanding of fundamental physics.
On the other hand for strong interactions the regime of low energy physics such as hadron spectra, dominated by the confinement phase of QCD, is not yet well understood due to inadequacy of perturbative analysis. Heavy ion collision experiments for the investigation of the quark gluon plasma phase require further theoretical insights.


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Phenomenology of the Fundamental Interactions

This INFN research collaboration focuses on the phenomenology (observable consequences) of several Quantum Field Theory models.
Such models can refer to a subset of the Standard Model of particle physics (SM) and to several extensions beyond it (BSM) which are considered in order to overcome some of its limits. Indeed, in spite of its impressive success, the SM is believed to be an effective theory, i.e. a low energy manifestation of a more fundamental theory.
A wide spectrum of experiments - the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), together with flavor, neutrino and astro-particle experiments - is entering the unexplored territory lying beyond the electroweak scale, with the potential of leading to important breakthroughs in our understanding of fundamental physics.
On the other hand for strong interactions the regime of low energy physics such as hadron spectra, dominated by the confinement phase of QCD, is not yet well understood due to inadequacy of perturbative analysis. Heavy ion collision experiments for the investigation of the quark gluon plasma phase require further theoretical insights.

Perturbative approach

- QCD and gauge theories in the Regge limit (small x).

This is a kinematical regime where high density phenomena and nonlinear dynamics are important.
It is reached in hadron collider such as LHC, in Deep Inelastic Scattering experiments and heavy ion collisions. Theoretically it is a playground where for the first time the notion of integrability in gauge theories appeared.

- Precision physics at colliders

Precise numerical calculation of observables in the SM and Beyond via the development of numerical approaches to NLO, NNLO computations and their implementation in Monte Carlo simulations. Interpretation of precise SM measurements in terms of the SM Effective Field Theory.
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Perturbative and non perturbative analysis for effective and fundamental QFTs

Explore the world of QFTs in several dimensions, focusing on d>2.

- Renormalization group analysis at both perturbative e non perturbative (Wilsonian) level. The functional renormalization group approach is a very convenient tool in both cases.

- Conformal field theories methods (d>2) to study the critical theories.

- Fundamental QFT as UV complete in the asymptotic safe paradigm.
- New critical theories and universality classes.
- Global RG flows
- Effective theories

Applications in scalar, fermion QFT, in gauge theories (QCD, gravity), condensed matter system, statistical mechanics.