String Phenomenology and Cosmology

Workshop on "Post-Inflationary String Cosmology"
18-21 September 2017
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Bologna
Website and registration information
Workshop on "Post-Inflationary String Cosmology"
18-21 September 2017
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Bologna
Website and registration information

Calabi-Yau Models
- Global embedding of chiral D-brane models in consistent Calabi-Yau orientifolds
- Closed and open string moduli stabilisation
- Explicit chiral Calabi-Yau examples for inflation
- Effective 4D supergravity action
- Global embedding of chiral D-brane models in consistent Calabi-Yau orientifolds
- Closed and open string moduli stabilisation
- Explicit chiral Calabi-Yau examples for inflation
- Effective 4D supergravity action

Applications to Cosmology
-String Inflationary Scenarios
-Large Tensor Modes
- Non-gaussianities in String Cosmology
- Reheating
- Baryogenesis from Strings
- Dark Energy and dS Vacua
- Primordial Black Holes
-String Inflationary Scenarios
-Large Tensor Modes
- Non-gaussianities in String Cosmology
- Reheating
- Baryogenesis from Strings
- Dark Energy and dS Vacua
- Primordial Black Holes

Applications to Particle Physics
- Supersymmetry Breaking and Spectra of Superpartners
- Stringy Axions and Dark Radiation
- Non-thermal WIMP Dark Matter
- Hidden Photons
- Supersymmetry Breaking and Spectra of Superpartners
- Stringy Axions and Dark Radiation
- Non-thermal WIMP Dark Matter
- Hidden Photons