International Workshop

Integrable Models and Applications:
from Strings to Condensed Matter

Florence, Italy
15-20 September 2003
Former Dept. of Physics, Arcetri Hill

First annual meeting of the EU Network


EUropean Collaboration Linking Integrability with other Disciplines

24 Oct 2002 - 23 Oct 2006

supported by

INFN Bologna
INFN Firenze
Florence University Torino University
Euclid Network
INFN Bologna
INFN Firenze
Dept. of Physics
University of Florence

Dept. of Theor. Phys.
University of Torino


Organizing committee:

D. Bernard (Saclay), A. Cappelli (Firenze), M. Caselle (Torino),
P. Dorey (Durham), G. Mussardo (SISSA), F. Ravanini (Bologna)

Scientific programme

The main goal of the EUCLID network of European research institutes is to understand the physics of integrable systems, by identifying their fundamental mechanisms and by applying them in a variety of contexts, from string theory to condensed matter systems. Specific objectives are: to develop the analytic and numerical methods of integrable systems and to extend the applications to nonperturbative problems in quantum field theory and statistical mechanics, to string theory and D-brane model building, and to condensed matter problems in low dimensions, including disordered and mesoscopic systems.
These topics have been the subject of a series of Bologna Workshops in Conformal Field Theories and Integrable Models: the present meeting is also meant to continue this tradition.

The list of speakers includes:

M. Bauer (Saclay, France)
P. Mansfield (Durham U., UK)
A. Belavin  (Landau I., Moscow, Russia)
G. Sierra (U.A. Madrid, Spain)
E. Corrigan (York U., UK)
P. Sorba (LAPTH Annecy, France)
G. Delfino (SISSA Trieste, Italy)
Y. Stanev (INRNE Sofia, Bulgaria)
P. Di Francesco (Saclay, France)
G. Takacs (Eotvos Budapest, Hungary)
N. Dorey (Swansea U., UK)
R. Tateo (Durham U., UK)
R. Fazio (Scuola Normale, Pisa, Italy)    
J. Teschner (Berlin Freie U., Germany)
M. Flohr (Hannover U., Germany)
G.M.T. Watts (King's College London, UK) *
A. Fring (Freie U. Berlin, Germany) *
P. Wiegmann (Chicago U, USA and Landau I., Moscow, Russia)
M. Jimbo (Tokyo U., Japan)
Al. B. Zamolodchikov (Montpellier U., France) *
I. Kostov (Saclay, France)
J.-B. Zuber (Saclay, France)
J. M. Maillet (ENS Lyon, France)

* to be confirmed

Conference plan

The meeting will mainly serve the community of the EUCLID network. Network participants, especially young researchers, are encouraged to participate and present a talk. The workshop is also open to all scientists interested in this field. For logistic reasons the number of participants is limited to 70. Interested people (including network members) are invited to fill the following form . The applications will be screened by the Organizing Committee and promptly answered.
The application deadline is May 31, 2003.

Financial matters

Network participants (up to 45 people) will have their local expenses (hotel, lunches and social events) supported. Other expenses like travel, per diem and dinners will be the responsibility of home institutions.
Budget limitations do not allow us to support expenses for participants from outside the network (a few exceptions may be considered). Invited speakers will be supported, of course. Non-network participants will be charged a conference fee of Euro 200, to cover lunches and social events, to be paid upon arrival.

Useful information

Post-Conference Information

For further information please write to the organizers at or contact the conference secretary Mrs. Antonella Pagliai ( ), Tel: +39 055 4572074, Fax: +39 055 4572127.

Last updated: 25 sep 2003

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