QMFPA 2006

Bertinoro (Italy), December 4-7, 2006






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The Conference on




will be held at Centro Residenziale Universitario, Bertinoro (Italy), from December 4 to December 7, 2006.

Scientific Advisory Committee.
E. Arimondo, G.Casati, I.Cirac, M.Cirillo, C.Cosmelli , S.Fazio, M.Inguscio, A.Lambrecht, C.Macchiavello, V.I.Man'ko, P.Mataloni, H.Nakazato, I.Ohba, F.Petruccione, H. Rauch, L.Sanchez-Soto, M.O.Scully, G.Strinati, S.Stringari, V.Tognetti, P.Tombesi, G.Wendin, P.Zanardi, A.Zeilinger, P.Zoller.

Like previous workshops in this series (TQMFA 2005 - Palermo, Vietri sul Mare, 2005), the conference will have an interdisciplinary character, focusing on quantum mechanical applications, decoherence and entanglement, quantum phase transitions, quantum information and computation and the semiclassical limit. Emphasis will be given to physical implementations (BECs, atomic and molecular systems, spin systems, solid-state applications).




The Centro Residenziale of the University of Bologna is located in Bertinoro, a small village half way between Forli and Cesena, not far from Bologna. A description of the facility and logistic instructions can be found at: www.centrocongressibertinoro.it/inglese/centro_universitario.htm

Attendance to the conference will be limited to no more than 100 participants and accommodation can be guaranteed only on a "first-come-first-served" basis (only 48 single and 38 double rooms are available). Therefore, if you intend to participate, please read the instructions in the registration form, which has to be sent back to Centro Residenziale at your earliest convenience, but before November 15, 2006.

Accomodation includes a 5 nights stay (arrival on Dec. 3 and departure on Dec. 8), and breakfast and lunch for the 4 days of the conference.

The cost per person is EUR 350 in a single room or EUR 300 in a double room. (Notice that this includes both registration and accommodation and that, due to administrative reasons, no reduction can be applied for a shorter stay).

Young researchers and graduate students are strongly encouraged to apply.




Whoever is interested in presenting a talk or a poster is invited to submit a title and a short abstract by e-mail to ercolessi@bo.infn.it before October 31, 2006.

We are considering the possibility of publishing the proceedings of the conference.

A detailed program of the conference will be available as soon as possible.



The Organizing Committee

Elisa Ercolessi (Bologna, Italy)
Giuseppe Marmo (Napoli, Italy)
Antonino Messina (Palermo, Italy)
Giuseppe Morandi (Bologna, Italy)
Saverio Pascazio (Bari, Italy)


 Sponsored by:  INFN sez. Ba Bo Na Pa  -  Dipartimento di  Fisica Univ. di Bologna