Photos about Tunguska99 by Gianni Biasini
In the tent
Sunset on the katamaran
Working on the river
Boarding the helicopter in Krasnoyarsk 1
Boarding the helicopter in Krasnoyarsk 2
Base camp from the lake
Evening at the lake 1
Evening at the lake 2
Cheko lake
Equipement on the aircraft
Harbour by night
The harbour from the tent
Another view of the harbour
Still another view of the harbour
Lake bay
Another lake bay
Cheko lake by night 1
Cheko lake by night 2
Cheko lake 1
Cheko lake 2
Cheko lake 3
Cheko lake 4
Cheko lake 5
Cheko lake 6
Cheko lake 7
Cheko lake 8
Cheko lake 9
Cheko lake 10
Cheko lake 11
Cheko lake 12
Cheko lake 13
Prof. Longo and Gen. Gretcko
More photos by G. Biasini
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