
Prof. Ingo Hofmann, GSI Laboratory
(Statistical Mechanics of high intensity beam)  
Dr. Helmut Mais, DESY Laboratory
(Stochastic perturbation of Hamiltonian systems)  
Prof. Jim Ellison, Albuquerque University
(Stochastic perturbation of dynamical systems)
Prof. Leon Cooper, Prof. Nathan Intrator, Brown University
(Statistical properties of neural networks)
Prof. Sandro Vaienti, CPT Marseille
(Ergodic theory for dynamical systems)
Prof. Leone Fronzoni, Università di Pisa
(Weak chaotic models)
Prof. Roberto Livi, Prof. Stefano Ruffo, Università di Firenze
(Dynamical models for protein folding)
Prof. Attilio Stella, Prof. Amos Maritan, Università di Padova
(Dynamical models for biopolymers)