How to play audio files

Audio files have been made in the .ogg (Ogg Vorbis) format, that is comparable to mp3 and real audio and can be used freely, both for broadcasting and listening.
First thing you must be sure that you computer can play sound (try a CD).

Second, you need a program to play .ogg files:

- for Linux users, the program xmms is included in standard Linux
distributions; it can play most audio formats like .ogg, .mp3 and .wav
(the format of CDs).

-for Windows users, the program Winamp can be used: please find indications
to download the program at the web page

Third, you should set your web browser to start the player once
the .ogg file is downloaded. For Netscape or Mozilla, you should
open the menu of the Preferences, go to Helper Applications and add
two new applications; they are:
Type: Ogg Vorbis
File extension: ogg
Mime type: audio/ogg
Application to use: xmms

Type: Ogg Vorbis
File extension: ogg
Mime type: audio/x-ogg
Application to use: xmms

For Windows users, they should be added automatically to Explorer
upon installation of the player.

That's all.