Date: 19 - 25 July - 2006 - Erice ITALY

13th Workshop

Colloids, Interfaces and Liquid Crystals

I. Musevic, P. Pasini, C. Zannoni, S. Zumer

Workshop INFO


The Workshop will be held at the Centre for Scientific Culture "Ettore Majorana" in Erice,  a small town of Sicily in the South of Italy with  a great tradition of hosting high quality scientific meetings  (  The Workshop will be part of the annual programme of the International School of Liquid Crystals, directed by C. Zannoni, hosted by the Centre (


The total fee for the meeting, which includes full board and lodging (arranged by the
E. Majorana Centre), social dinner and excursion is 600 Euro.


S. Orlandi (Bologna), I. Musevic (Ljubljana), P. Pasini (Bologna), G. Skacej (Ljubljana), M. Skarabot (Ljubljana), I. Vecchi (Bologna), C. Zannoni (Bologna), S. Zumer (Ljubljana).


The lodgings will be spread in rooms of ancient monasteries and in some hotels in Erice.
Each room is with shower and WC.

The total fee, which includes full board and lodging (arranged by the School) is Euro 600.


Breakfast will be in the dining room of the Centre. Lunch and dinner will be at restaurants which work in connection with the center. Details will be given at your arrival.


Erice is a village sited at the top of a small mountain (750 meters above sea level) and there the climate is a bit different from the other parts of Sicily. Even in summer it is not really hot and in the evening it is a bit windy.

Travel: How to Reach Erice


Persons interested in attending the workshop should complete the application form and send it, preferably via e-mail  to:

Dr. Silvia Orlandi di Chimica Fisica e Inorganica
Università di Bologna
Viale Risorgimento 4
40136 Bologna, Italy
Dr. G. Skacej
Department of Physics
University of Ljubljana
Jadranska 19
SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Information Bulletin for Participants
(.pdf)(Acrobat Reader Format)