Date: 27 October - 1 November 2008 - Erice ITALY

15th Workshop

Liquid Crystal Phases and Nano-Structures

A Workshop to celebrate ten years of the International Liquid Crystal School
and Claudio Zannoni 60th birthday

Directors od the Workshop: Dr. P.Pasini, Prof. S.Zumer

Purpose of the Workshop

The Workshop will celebrate the ten years of the International School of Liquid Crystals bringing together well known specialists in the various fields of Liquid Crystal Science as well as young students and researchers. During these past ten years the School has provided a forum for discussions and collaborations between groups from all over the world, typically focusing each workshop or "course" on a certain topic of the vast and continuously growing area of anisotropic fluids or on some of the relevant theoretical or experimental techniques.

The present, 15th, Workshop aims to complement this effort trying to highlight the relations and to bridge the gap between various of these topics normally considered independently. Many of the participants have already been in Erice contributing actively to the School, e.g. as Lecturers, in specific Courses.

The themes covered will range from synthesis to applications through modeling, theory and experiments. For instance, liquid crystal colloidal suspensions of micro and nanoparticles, forces between particles and interfaces in liquid crystals, particle manipulation in liquid crystals, nanopatterning of surfaces, surface and external field effects, phase behaviour, biaxial systems, atomistic, molecular and mesoscale simulations, modern photonic applications as well as microscopy and magnetic resonance will be discussed.

The Workshop will consist of 4 effective full working days and the number of participants will be limited to about 70 to allow ample chances to take part in full to the proceedings and to the discussions of the meeting fostered by the unique "Erice atmosphere".


A list of confirmed invited speakers includes:

G. Abbate (University of Naples), M. Bates (University of York), T. Bellini (University of Milan), D.W. Bruce (University of York), D. Cleaver (Sheffield University), M. Copic (University of Ljubljana), Y. Geerts (Université Libre de Bruxelles), D.Guillon (CNRS Strasbourg), I.C. Khoo (Pennsylvania State University), O.D. Lavrentovich (Kent State University), G.R. Luckhurst (University of Southampton), A.F. Martins (New University of Lisbon), I. Musevic (University of Ljubljana), M. Osipov (University of Strathclyde), D. Photinos (University of Patras), E. Samulski (University of North Carolina), V.S.S. Sastry (University of Hyderabad), H. Takezoe (Tokyo Institute of Technology), C. Tschierske (University of Halle), G.J. Vroege (Van't Hof Laboratory, Utrecht), M. Wilson (University of Durham), H. Yokoyama (AIST, Tsukuba).