Date: 27 October - 1 November 2008 - Erice ITALY

15th Workshop

Liquid Crystal Phases and Nano-Structures

A Workshop to celebrate ten years of the International Liquid Crystal School
and Claudio Zannoni 60th birthday

Directors od the Workshop: Dr. P.Pasini, Prof. S.Zumer


Schedule (download PDF)


27 October

afternoon: Arrival

21.15: Welcome Reception at the Marsala Lecture Hall (S. Rocco)


28 October


9.00 – 9.10




9.10 – 9.50


G.R. Luckhurst

Thermotropic Biaxial Nematics: An Enduring Challenge?

9.50 – 10.30

S. Zumer

Superstructures in nematic colloids

10.30 – 11.00

C.A. deLange

Evolutionary strategies for solving extremely
complicated NMR spectra of solutes in nematic solvents

11.00 – 11.30

A.F. Martins

Recent advances in the study of the dynamics of confined nematic liquid crystals with defects and boundary inhomogeneities

11.30 – 11.50


Coffee Break and Posters

11.50 – 12.30

M. Copic

Nematic fluctuations and semi-soft elasticity in liquid crystal elastomers

12.30 – 13.00

A. Ferrarini

An atomistic model for the elastic constants of nematics


lunch break




15.30 – 16.10

M. Wilson

Simulation studies of structure and organisation in chromonic phases and macromolecular liquid crystals.

16.10 – 16.40

M. Bates

Computer simulation of columnar phases in T and X shaped bolaamphiphiles

16.40 – 17.10

D. Cleaver

Computer simulation of ordered fluids and soft solids

17.10 – 17.40


Coffee break and posters

17.40 – 18.10

R. Berardi

Computer simulations of biaxial nematics

18.10 – 18.50

O.D. Lavrentovich

Dynamics of liquid crystal colloids studied by 3D microscopy


29 October


9.00 – 9.40


D. Photinos

Poly-domain to mono-domain phase transitions and field-induced macroscopic biaxial order in nematics

9.40 – 10.20

E.T. Samulski

The biaxial nematic phase in nonlinear oxadiazole mesogens

10.20 – 10.50

D. Bruce

From Simulation to Synthesis in the Search for the Biaxial Nematic Phase

10.50 – 11.20

G. Mehl

3-D ordering of mesogen covered gold nanoparticles.

11.20 – 11.40


Coffee Break and Posters

11.40 – 12.20

H. Yokoyama

Nanostructured surfaces for tailored anchoring of liquid crystals

12.20 – 12.50

M. Marinelli

Disorder effects at the HexB-SmA transition in 65OBC Liquid Crystal


lunch break




15.30 – 16.10

C. Tschierske

Complexity in liquid crystals

16.10 – 16.40

D. Guillon

Nanostructured dendritic architectures

16.40 – 17.10

A. Sugimura

Deuterium NMR study of the director dynamics for a low molar mass nematic

17.10 – 17.40


Coffee break and posters

17.40 – 18.20

H. Takezoe

Vibrational Circular Dichroism in Spontaneously Chiral Segregated  Domains of Ester Molecules

18.20 – 18.50

E. Burnell

What can NMR divulge about the ordering potential in nematic and smectic A liquid crystals?

18.50 – 19.10

E4 com

Technical presentation


30 October


9.00 – 9.40


I.C. Khoo

Nanostructured Liquid Crystalline Optical Metamaterials

9.40 – 10.10

G. Abbate


Complex photonic structures in soft materials.

10.10 – 10.40

F. Nicoletta

Electro-optical properties of liquid crystal dispersions

10.40 – 11.10

C. Umeton


POLICRYPS Structures and Applications

11.10 – 11.40


Coffee Break and Posters

11.40 – 12.20

T. Bellini

Liquid crystallization and phase separation in concentrated solution of ultrashort DNA and RNA oligonucleotides

12.20 – 12.50

G. Assanto

Robust spatial optical solitons in nematic liquid crystals: light trapping, routing and steering


lunch break




14.30 – 19.30




31 October


9.00 – 9.40


G. Vroege

Goethite nanorods and their modifications: extraordinary mineral liquid crystals

9.40 – 10.10

G. Celebre

About the nature and the role of long-range
orientational interactions in nematic mesophases

10.10 – 10.40

L. Muccioli

Physical properties of n-cyanobiphenyls from Molecular Dynamics simulations

10.40 – 11.10

L.A. Madsen

Understanding and Controlling Anisotropy in Ionic Polymer Membranes and Micellar Solutions

11.10 – 11.40


Coffee Break and Posters

11.40 – 12.20

M. Osipov

Microscopic mechanisms of the tilt, biaxiality and ferroelectric ordering in smectic liquid crystals.

12.20 – 12.50

G. Moro


Director fluctuations in ordered phases and transverse magnetization relaxation


lunch break




15.30 – 16.10

Y. Geerts

Discotic liquid crystals : from synthesis to thin film patterning

16.10 – 16.50

F. Biscarini

Organic field effect transistors revisited: from charge tunneling devices to label-free transducers

16.50 – 17.20

T.J. Sluckin

Models of ferroelectric nematic colloidal behaviour

17.20 – 17.40


Coffee break and posters

17.40 – 18.10

G. Skacej

Controlling surface defect valence in colloids

18.10 – 18.30

C. Zannoni

Concluding remarks



Social Dinner


November 1 Departure