The 1938 and 1999 aerophotosurveys

The Northern Isles of the Southern Swamp and the hole "Klyukvenny" in 1999.

To download a higher resolution image of the same place in 1938 click here: 550 kb.
These images can be copied and published only with a full reference to:

Longo G., Di Martino M., Andreev G., Anfinogenov J., Budaeva L., Kovrigin E.: "A new unified catalogue and a new map of the 1908 tree fall in the site of the Tunguska Cosmic Body explosion." In: Asteroid-comet Hazard-2005, pp. 222-225, Institute of Applied Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2005. (pdf, 211 kb)

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