L. V. Dzhenkoul
"...One storehouse was on the upper reaches of the r. Polnoty. A second storehouse was at the mouth of
the Cheko. Everything was burnt down, where the first storehouse was (on the Polnoty-Churgim). Only ash of that storehouse remained.
At the mouth of the Cheko, a whirlwind cast (carried) away the storehouse. At the upper Khushma, their herd was burned, the reindeer
were burnt out, only ash remained. The reindeer at the mouth of Cheko were down in heaps, but they were not burnt (they had been
stunned and they died)." (ref. (1), §7.11, p. 95. In Vasilyev's Tab. 2 the second storehouse location
is given as river Cheko.)
V. N. Dmitriev
"...The path from Strelka (from these places) to Vanavara lay across the lake Cheko. It was possible to reach Strelka from Ilimpei.
There was not a factory here at that time, but a path was going through. Further to Vanavara the path lay across the lake Cheko. There
was a fork here to Mutorai, to Oskoba, to Panolik. The main caravan path was going through the place of Kulik's izbas."
(ref. (1), §7.32, p. 104)
I. P. Lyuchetkan
Testimony of T.P. Zaitseva: she heard from Kulik's Evenki guide Ilia Potapovich Lyuchetkan that lived
in the factory Teterya: "on that place, there was a high ridge that seemed destroyed by bombing and a lake and a river were formed."
(ref. (1), §10.241, p. )
P. G. Doptyna
“The Evenk P. G. Doptyna, who lives in the Mutorai factory and was
hunting in these places when she was young, states that only a swamp was present on the place of the lake
Cheko. We do not have other information confirming or denying this one”. (ref. (2), p. 170)
(1)Vasilyev, N.V., A.F., Kovalevskij, S.A., Razin, L.E., Epitektova, 1981. Pokazaniya ochevidcev Tungusskogo padeniya, Testimonies
of the Tunguska fall eyewitnesses (in Russian). N. 5350-81, 304 pp, (1981).
(2)Koshelev, V.A., Raboty na ozere Cheko i ih predvaritel'nye rezul'taty, The researches on the lake Cheko and their
preliminary results (in Russian). In: Problema Tungusskogo meteorita,. Izdatelstvo Tomskogo Universiteta, Tomsk, 168-170 (1963).