Press Release

First News from Tunguska99

The expedition has left Bologna on July 14, 1999 at 9 o'clock (local time) to reach the Forli' airport by bus. The Iljuschin Il-20 was loaded and land off at 12:00 (local time). Destination: Moscow. Please find photos of the departure from Forli' airport at the Tunguska Photo Gallery.
In Moscow, the expedition has overcome the main difficulty of the journey: the Russian Customs. All the equipement and the instruments were unloaded and inspected. The check takes about 4 hours and half. The Russian Customs sequestrates three walkie-talkie only. Prof. Longo tried to explain that, in Italy, even children use walkie-talkie and they are not dangerous. But he does not succeeded in getting back the three walkie-talkie.
Apart from this little problem, the expedition goes on. They reached Krasnoyarsk on July 15 and they loaded the helicopter Mi-26, that will be used to reach the Ceko lake. We have also carried out a communication test by satellite telephone: it is all right. They will leave Krasnoyarsk on July 16, at 10:00 local time.

Bologna, 16 July 1999

For the Tunguska99 Press Office
Luigi Foschini

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