Some Videos

1. "Field video" of the (Tunguska 1991 expedition: part 1, 15' 17"), (part 2, 15' 10"), (part 3, 15' 07"), (part 4, 13' 52") and (summary, 10' 26").

2. From the 1999 aero photo survey: Cheko surroundings.

3. From "Rick Beyer and Bill Lattanzi (Veriscope Picture) for the "National Geographics" Channel", 2010: Reasearches on the TG22 core at 45 m water depth.

4.1. Tunguska in "Voyager, RAI 2", May 2010: (A possible crater part 1, 8' 37"), (part 2, 8' 28"), (part 3, 8' 26").

4.2. Tunguska in "Superquark, RAI 1", 26 August 2010: The crater hypothesis (Italian, 7' 44").

5. 30 June 2008: First video exploration of the Cheko lake bottom (part 1, 1' 08") and (part 2, 1' 25")

6. 2009 field researches in "National Geographics": (Il Mistero di Tunguska part 1, Italian 15' 06"), (part 2, 15' 06"), (part 3, 14' 40").

 1991 Raices de àrboles  

  1999 The aerosurvey

  1999 The TG22 core

        2007 A possible crater  

  2008 Drowned forest

  2010 Clavius crater  

To see enlarged figures with captions and the videos, click on the thumbs.               

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