TUNGUSKA99 Expedition


Photos in this page can be copied and published only with acknowledgment of the Tunguska Page of Bologna University:

Le foto in questa pagina possono essere copiate e pubblicate solo citando il sito Tunguska dell'Universita' di Bologna:

Best viewed with 1024 X 768 pixels (or higher)                                          

The expedition logo.      
41 KB
Test of the catamaran.      
85 KB
Testing equipement.      
128 KB
Ultrasounds photos.      
97 KB
The Ilijushin Il-20M.      
102 KB
Boarding the aircraft.      
97 KB
Departure from Forli'.      
96 KB
To Krasnoyarsk.      
69 KB
In the cabin.      
80 KB
Our physician.      
61 KB
The Flying Laboratory.      
223 KB
Cosmic ray detector.      
218 KB
Krasnoyarsk airport.      
132 KB
Hotel entrance.      
175 KB
In Krasnoyarsk hotel.      
70 KB

The helicopter at rest.      
41 KB
Boarding the MI26.      
98 KB
The departure.      
92 KB
Comfortable lesson.      
191 KB
MI26 conveniences.      
107 KB
Kuyumba city.      
83 KB
Kuyumba beach.      
90 KB
Kuyumba airport.      
220 KB
Stony Tunguska.      
91 KB
Landing instructions.      
96 KB
The lake Cheko.      
51 KB
The cap for landing.      
43 KB
Waves on the lake.      
121 KB
118 KB
Destination reached.      
119 KB

The map (
Eng, Rus).      
55 KB, 82 KB
Chief constructor.      
313 KB
Building Residences.      
268 KB
Field laboratory.      
415 KB
City of Science.      
241 KB
Ladies and gentlemen.      
221 KB
Energy sources.      
224 KB
The harbour.      
167 KB
Tunguska breakfast.      
97 KB
Cooking on the lake.      
31 KB
Russian cooking.      
188 KB
Haute cuisine.      
171 KB
Lunch call.      
239 KB
128 KB
Evening concert.      
125 KB

ER Laboratory.      
100 KB
Planning the research.      
124 KB
In reconnaissance.      
22 KB
Catamaran assembling.      
152 KB
The catamaran "Kulik".      
148 KB
Pool equipment.      
90 KB
141 KB
The frogmen at work.      
187 KB
A ready core.      
114 KB
Core data registration.      
262 KB
57 KB
Cheko exploration.      
143 KB
Sunset work.      
106 KB
Sunset work.      
98 KB
Sapronov hill.      
107 KB
John stone.      
323 KB
64 KB
Exctraction of peat.      
106 KB
Wood samples.      
158 KB
Italy link.      
119 KB

Map of the Reserve.      
209 KB
Kulik's izba.      
163 KB
Two friendly brigades.      
183 KB
Walking at the river.      
117 KB
Walking in the marsh.      
166 KB
Marshy taiga.      
111 KB
Swampy taiga.      
257 KB
Burned tree.      
109 KB
An eagle nest.      
114 KB
Cerambix cerdo.      
221 KB
114 KB
229 KB
320 KB
229 KB
226 KB
Kimchu river (1).      
145 KB
Kimchu river (2).      
121 KB
Daybreak on Cheko.      
151 KB
52 KB
90 KB
47 KB
Noctilucent clouds.      
58 KB
Noctilucent clouds.      
166 KB
Noctilucent clouds.      
89 KB
Noctilucent clouds.      
85 KB

Back to Bologna.

Dismounted catamaran.      
160 KB
Packed catamaran.      
193 KB
Waiting the helicopter.      
183 KB
Arrival of MI26.      
93 KB
Landing of MI26.      
96 KB
Loading the MI26.      
96 KB
Good bye Tunguska.      
151 KB
Southern swamp.      
208 KB
Forest fire.      
179 KB
Moscow custom.      
113 KB

Post-expedition analyses

Cosmic rays.      
73 KB
Environm. radiation.      
65 KB
Radiation waves.      
35 KB
A radonic storm.      
35 KB
Tree azimuths.      
152 KB
New fallen-tree map.      
148 KB
Wood effects.      
137 KB
Axial Tomography.      
203 KB
Chernobyl wounds.      
367 KB
Forest effects.      
228 KB
Peat analyses.      
39 KB
Pollen analyses.      
61 KB
Spore analyses.      
53 KB
Release of the cores.      
48 KB
Core radiographies 1      
26 KB
Core radiographies 2      
26 KB
Core analyses.      
99 KB
Stratigraphic map.      
122 KB
Cheko bathymetry.      
85 KB
Acoustic & GPR studies.      
218 KB
Metal detector.      
126 KB
Magnetic studies.      
159 KB
DPS presentation.      
182 KB
Comet or asteroid?      
361 KB
Tunguska crater?      
100 KB

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