The 1938 & 1999 aerophotosurveys.


Photos in this page can be copied and published only with acknowledgment of the Tunguska Page of Bologna University:

Le foto in questa pagina possono essere copiate e pubblicate solo citando il sito Tunguska dell'Universita' di Bologna:

Best viewed with 1024 X 768 pixels (or higher)                                          

The hydroplane N-204.      
49 kb
1938 photomontage.      
135 kb
Measuring azimuths.      
152 kb
Forest effects.      
228 kb
New azimuths.      
93 kb
Felled trees in 1938 1.      
107 kb
Felled trees in 1938 2.      
123 kb
Felled trees in 1938 3.      
110 kb
Felled trees in 1938 4.      
127 kb
Felled trees in 1938 5.      
101 kb
Felled trees in 1938 6.      
108 kb
Felled trees in 1938 7.      
121 kb
Felled trees in 1938 8.      
123 kb
Felled trees in 1938 9.      
133 kb
Felled trees in 1938 10      
131 kb

The Ilijushin Il-20M.      
102 kb
1999 flight routes.      
264 kb
1999 photomontage.      
144 kb
New fallen-tree map.      
148 kb
Lake Cheko.      
125 kb
The base camp.      
95 kb
River Cheko.      
158 kb
River Hoy.      
260 kb
Northern Swamp.      
255 kb
Mount Stoikovich.      
317 kb
Kulik's izba.      
277 kb
Fast epicenter.      
211 kb
Northern isles.      
227 kb
River Churgim.      
309 kb
"Pristan" on Khushma.      
267 kb

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Thumbnails created by IrfanView

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