From: Terra Nova, Vol. 19, n. 4 (2007) © Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Fig. 6. Time-migrated (constant velocity) seismic reflection profile BP-18 crossing the center of the lake. Note the absence of coherent reflectors from the lake slopes. A flat reflector (reflector T) located ~10 m below the bottom is visible at the centre of the lake. (a) Segment of high-resolution chirp sonar profile along profile BP-18, showing a diffuse diffraction noise from the very upper part of the sedimentary sequence; (b) unmigrated version of BP-18 showing diffractions marked by hyperbolas, mostly related to scatter points at the lake bottom. One of these hyperbola gives rise to reflector T after the migration processing. To download a higher resolution image click here: 1275 kb.

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