A possible impact crater for the 1908 Tunguska Event

Figures in the Terra Nova 2007 paper

Figure 1.      
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Figure 2.      
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Figure 3.      
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Cover and Fig. 4.      
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Figure 5.      
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Figure 6.      
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Figure 7.      
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Figure 8.      
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Figure 9.      
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Figure 10.      
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To see enlarged Figures and their captions, click on them.               

Lake Cheko and the Tunguska Event: impact or non-impact?

  • L.Gasperini, E. Bonatti, G. Longo: "Lake Cheko and the Tunguska Event: impact or non-impact?", Terra Nova, Volume 20, Issue 2, pp 169-172 (April 2008) © Blackwell Publishing Ltd. (pdf 196 kb).

Figures in the Terra Nova 2008 paper and other related images

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Fig.2 and lake Cheko      
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New fallen-tree map      
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Kulik's holes.      
169 KB
Sedan crater.      
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Carancas crater.      
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Mach number.      
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Hypersonic flow.      
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Multiple fragments.      
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To see enlarged Figures and their captions, click on them.               

Sediments from Lake Cheko (Siberia), a possible impact crater for the 1908 Tunguska Event

  • Luca Gasperini, Enrico Bonatti, Sonia Albertazzi, Luisa Forlani, Carla A. Accorsi, Giuseppe Longo, Mariangela Ravaioli, Francesca Alvisi, Alina Polonia, Fabio Sacchetti: "Sediments from Lake Cheko (Siberia), a possible impact crater for the 1908 Tunguska Event", Terra Nova, Volume 21, Issue 6, pp 489-494, (December 2009) DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3121.2009.00906.x © Blackwell Publishing Ltd. (pdf 935 kb).

Figures in the Terra Nova 2009 paper

Fig. 1      
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Fig. 2       
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Fig. 3      
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Fig. 4      
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Fig. 5      
126 KB

To see enlarged Figures and their captions, click on them.               

    Some aspects of the relationships between Lake Cheko and the Tunguska event

  • Memorandum by Lynn Lundberg, Materials Consultant, 2832 W. 33rd N. Idaho Falls, ID 83402 (pdf 930 kb).


Figures in the Lundberg 2010 memorandum

Fig. 1      
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Fig. 2       
202 KB

To see enlarged Figures and their captions, click on them.               

Some citations

  • CCNet EXTRA: "A Possible Impact Crater For The 1908 Tunguska Event?", 22 June 2007
  • Sky & Telescope: "Has a Tunguska Crater Been Found?", David Tytell", 22 June 2007
  • BBC News: "Team makes Tunguska crater claim, Paul Rincon", 26 June 2007
  • Spaceguard UK: "Team Makes Tunguska Crater Claim", Leonard David, 26 June 2007
  • CCNet 122: "Tunguska Impact Crater Claim Greeted By Scepticism", Paul Rincon, 26 June 2007
  • SEAN: "Crater Could Solve 1908 Tunguska Meteor Mystery", Dave Mosher, 26 June 2007
  • Izvestiya (Russian): "Tungusskij meteorit - na dne ozera", Petr Obraztsov", 26 June 2007
  • Space.com: "Crater could solve 1908 Tunguska Meteor Mystery", Dave Mosher, 26 June 2007
  • Trekunited: "Crater could solve 1908 Tunguska Meteor mystery", Derek Kessler, 27 June 2007
  • New Scientist: "Have researchers found the Tunguska crater?", Jeff Hecht, 26 June 2007
  • ABC News: "The Mystery of Tunguska ", Ned Potter, 26 June 2007
  • MsnBc: "Crater could solve Siberian meteor mystery", 26 June 2007
  • Verum Serum: "Tunguska Crater Discovered?", John, 26 June 2007
  • Wired Science: "Russian Lake May Hide the Tunguska Crater", Fraser Cain, 26 June 2007
  • Astromart: "A Possible Impact Crater for the 1908 Tunguska Event", Joplin Motisher, 26 June 2007
  • Telepolis (German): "Krater von Tunguska-Asteroiden gefunden?", Florian Rötzer, 27 June 2007
  • Free Republic : "Crater Could Solve 1908 Tunguska Meteor Mystery", Dave Mosher, 27 June 2007
  • Dailyndia: "Crater lake may harbour 1908 Tunguska meteor mystery clue", 27 June 2007
  • Noticias de Ciencia (Spanish): "El lago Cheko puede ser el crater del meteorito de Tunguska", 27 June 2007
  • Olelog: "Tunguska", Ole Nielsen, 27 June 2007
  • NEO News: "Congressional Hearings & Tunguska", David Morrison", 27 June 2007
  • Internet Journal point-ru (Russian): "Tajna tungusskogo meteorita razgadana?", 27 June 2007
  • Seti: "Crater Could Solve 1908 Tunguska Meteor Mystery", Dave Mosher, 27 June 2007
  • ABC.es (Spanish) : "Un lago de Siberia podría ser el cráter de impacto del meteorito de Tunguska", José Manuel Nieves, 27 June 2007
  • Nature: "Crater candidate spotted in Tunguska", David Chandler", 27 June 2007
  • AOL: "Famous 1908 Impact Crater Found?", Dave Mosher, 27 June 2007
  • Il Sole 24 ore (Italian): "Mistero di Tunguska: scienziati bolognesi scoprono il lago nato dall'impatto con il meteorite", 27 June 2007
  • tw (Chinese), 27 June 2007
  • INRS (French): "Un cratère qui pourrait expliquer l'explosion sibérienne de Tunguska, 1908", 27 June 2007
  • Jaberna (Arabic): "Tunguska Impact Crater Found?", 27 June 2007
  • The Register: "Scientists ID possible Tunguska crater", Lucy Sherriff, 27 June 2007
  • GIZMOD.RU (Russian): "Obnaruzhen krater ot Tungusskogo meteorita", 28 June 2007
  • Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (German): "Doch ein Krater in der Taiga?", Paul Guenter", 28 June 2007
  • Noorderlicht (Dutch): "Toengoeska-krater gevonden?", Elmar Veerman, 28 June 2007
  • FOXNEWS: "Possible Tunguska Event Impact Crater Found", Dave Mosher, 28 June 2007
  • IdealDigital (Spanish): "Descubren un posible cráter del objeto extraterrestre que impactó en Siberia en 1908", L. A. GÁMEZ, 28 June 2007
  • Welt der physic(German): "Tunguska-Krater gefunden?", Rainer Kayser, 29 June 2007
  • De Volkskrant (Dutch): "Misschien zit er wel een komeet onder het meer", de Volkskrant, 30 June 2007
  • CCNet 124: "Tunguska Impact Crater Claim Greeted By Scepticism", 2 July 2007
  • News bizua.com.ua (Russian): "Tungusskii Fenomen Razgadan", 4 July 2007
  • Nature: "Asteroid strike may have formed Siberian lake", 5 July 2007
  • AIM Education & Public Outreach: "Asteroid strike may have formed Siberian lake", 5 July 2007
  • Quintus (Portuguese) : "Afinal parece que em Tunguska existe mesmo uma cratera de impacto com algo no seu interior", 7 July 2007
  • Planetastronmy (French) : "L'événement Tunguska: "peut être du nouveau", 7 July 2007
  • Pravda.ru: "Scientists discuss new version of Tunguska meteorite mystery", 7 July 2007
  • Radio Città del Capo (Italian) : "Il mistero di Tunguska; Formica Blu, Pigreco News", Elisa Frisaldi, Elisabetta Tola and Giuseppe Longo, 10 July 2007
  • Ingeniøren (Dutch): "Mysteriet om 99 år gammel meteor måske løst", Thomas A. E. Andersen, 11 July 2007
  • Science Newsletter: "Cosmic Collision: "The Lake Cheko — Tunguska 1908 Bolide Event", T. Dockweiler,12 July 2007
  • Antares (Italian): "Evento Tunguska 1908: forse ritrovato il cratere da impatto!", Luigi Foschini, 29 July 2007
  • NGV-Geonieuws 140 artikel 845 (Dutch): "Gebeurtenis in Tunguska (1908) liet mogelijk toch inslagkrater en fragment van ingeslagen hemellichaam achter", A.J. (Tom) van Loon, 12 September 2007
  • Coelum (Italian): "Tunguska: Identificato il cratere d'impatto?", Francesco Berengo, September 2007
  • Corriere della Sera (Italian): "Tunguska, un lago divide italiani e inglesi", Giovanni Caprara, 30 October 2007
  • CNR (Italian): "Verso la soluzione del mistero di Tunguska", Comunicato CNR, 30 October 2007
  • Repubblica (Italian): "Cnr, svelato il mistero di Tunguska Trovato il cratere del meteorite", Giovanni Gagliardi, 31 October 2007
  • Astronomy magazine: "Tunguska's deep impact", Daniel Pendick, November 2007
  • National Geographic News: "Crater From 1908 Russian Space Impact Found, Team Says", Maria Cristina Valsecchi, 8 November 2007
  • Grani.ru (Russian): "Italyanskiie uchenyie utverzhdaiut chto nashli krater ostavlennyj tungusskim meteoritom", Maksim Borissov", 12 November 2007
  • TFOT: "In Search of the Tunguska Meteorite", Roni Barr, 17 December 2007
  • thunderbolts.info: "New Tunguska Crater Found?", Stephen Smith, 31 December 2007
  • abitura.com (Russian): "Obnaruzhen krater ot tungusskogo meteorita"
  • QN, Il Resto del Carlino – La Nazione – Il Giorno (Italian): "Tunguska, il mistero sul fondo di un lago", Marco Tavasani, 22 January 2008
  • New Scientist: "Meteorites: How big is safe?", David L. Chandler, New Scientist, issue 2641, pp. 40-43, 01 February 2008
  • Geotimes: "Long-lost Siberian crater found?", Sadie MacMillan, February 2008
  • ENI (Italian): "Il centenario del mistero di Tunguska", a cura di Videoscienza, 25 March 2008
  • Dipartimento Astronomia, Bologna (Italian): "Tunguska 1908: un asteroide colpisce la Terra. Quando il prossimo?", 30 March 2008
  • Terra Nova: "Evidence that Lake Cheko is not an impact crater", G. S. Collins et al., Terra Nova, Volume 20, Issue 2, pp. 165–168, April 2008
  • Sapere (Italian): "Rivelazioni su Tunguska", Sapere, n.2, pp. 70-74, Simone Serra, April 2008
  • Taipei.gov (Chinese): "Tunguska Event", 27 April 2008
  • Blogtech.oc9: "Details Emerging on Tunguska Event Impact Crater May 2008", May 2008
  • Galileu (Portuguese): "Depois do bombar", Pablo Nogueira Gonçalves Diogo, 1 May 2008
  • John Gillespie TV: "Lake Cheko and the Tunguska Event: impact or non-impact? ", 28 May 2008
  • Oko planety (Russian): "Tunguskaya anomaliya: novyie podrobnosti ", cnews.ru, 29 May 2008
  • l'astronomia (Italian): " Tunguska 1908: una nuova ipotesi", l'astronomia, N 295, pp 18-26, Luca Gasperini, May-June 2008
  • Coelum (Italian): "100 anni fa, Tunguska", Coelum, N 118, pp 26-35, Claudio Elidoro, June 2008
  • MsnBc: "100 years later, Tunguska remains mysterious", Charles Q. Choi, June 2008
  • Sky at Night magazine: "Tunguska: the truth. ", Clark Stuart, June issue of BBC Sky at Night magazine, June 2008
  • Tiede (Finnish): "1908 Helsinki saastvyi taparasti ", Leena Tahtinen, Tiede, N. 6, pp.48-51, 10 June 2008
  • Sciencenews: "Tunguska, a century later ", Sid Perkins, Science news, Vol.173, N. 19, 23 June 2008
  • Der Spiegel (German): "Der Tag, an dem sich der Himmel teilte ", 27 June 2008
  • BBC News: "Fire in the sky: Tunguska at 100 ", Paul Rincon, 30 June 2008
  • Slide Show: "Tunguska - 100 Years Later", Adam Hadhazy, 30 June 2008
  • New Scientist: " Tunguska: The day the sky exploded" , David Cohen , New Scientist, Magazine issue 2662, 30 June 2008
  • Astronomy now: " One hundred not out" , Emily Baldwin, 30 June 2008
  • Sky & Telescope: " Tunguska: 100 Years and Counting" , J. Kelly Beatty, 30 June 2008
  • Discovery Channel: " The Day the Earth Stood Still" , Ray Villard , 30 June 2008
  • Science et Vie (French): "Mystère de Toungouska ", Boris Bellanger, Science et Vie, Vol.1090, July 2008
  • El Universal (Spanish): " Cumple cien años choque de asteroide con la tierra en Tunguska" , Andrés Eloy Martínez Rojas, El Universal (México), 2 July 2008
  • The independent: "Impact Earth: Could we divert a giant asteroid? ", 2 July 2008
  • ABC: "Tunguska: 100 years of wondering ", 3 July 2008
  • Taipei Times: "A century on, mystery shrouds ‘cosmic impact’ ", Taipei Times, Page 16, 5 July 2008
  • la Repubblica (Italian): "Italiani sulle tracce degli Ufo, Indagine nel cuore della Siberia", Leonardo Coen, 18 July 2008
  • dddn (Vietnamese): "Co the ban chua biet Bi an su kien Tunguska" Theo Khoa học, 28 July 2008
  • GEO (German): "Tunguska - Feuer uber der Taiga", Till Hein, GEO, Vol.7-8, pp. 100-112, July-August 2008
  • Necrosant (Korean): "Tunguska Event", 17 August 2008
  • Diario EL PAIS (Spanish): "A un siglo de la catástrofe de Tunguska una piedra del cielo", Daniel Veloso, Diario EL PAIS (Montevideo), 19 September 2008
  • Astronomy and geophysics: "The Tunguska impact event and beyond", Bill Napier and David Asher, Astronomy and geophysics, vol. 50, pp. 1.18-1.26, February 2009
  • Earth and Planetary Astrophysics: "Tunguska-1908 and similar events in light of the New Explosive Cosmogony of minor bodies", Edward M. Drobyshevski, Submitted on 19 March 2009
  • Wikipedia
  • More citations at Google

       Popular article

    L.Gasperini, E. Bonatti, G. Longo: "The Tunguska Mystery", Scientific American, Volume 298, Number 6, pp 80-86, June 2008; "Il mistero di Tunguska", Le Scienze, N 479, July 2008 (Italian); "Der Tunguska-Explosion auf der Spur ", Spektrum der Wissenschaft, N 7, July 2008 (German); Nikkei Science, N 8, pp 36-43, August 2008 (Japanese); "Zagadka Tunguski ", V mire Nauki, N 9, September 2008 (Russian);

    Some Videos

          The 1999 aerosurvey       
          The 1999 cores       
          2006: A possible crater  
    2008: first view of drowned forest  

    To see enlarged figures with captions and the videos, click on the thumbs.