From: Terra Nova, Vol. 21, Dec. 2009, pp 489-494 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3121.2009.00906.x © Blackwell Publishing Ltd. (pdf 935 kb).

Fig. 2 Analyses carried out on core TG-22 (see text for methods). From left to right: (a) photo of the sliced core; (b) X-ray image; (c) porosity vs. depth; (d) clay content vs. depth; (e) δ13C vs. depth; (f) 137Cs vs. depth; (f) 210Pb vs. depth; (g) C% vs. depth; (h) N% vs. depth. The inferred T.E. level is indicated, as well as the 'transitional zone' between 80 and 120 cm (red area).

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