Hotel Accommodation

As you may know, Florence is an attractive tourist resort, and September is top season. We advise you to make your travel plans as soon as possible. We already reserved 60 rooms in 4 hotels at reasonable prices (see the list below): as part of the deal, these hotels ask us precise accommodation plans very much in advance. Please know that late cancellations and changes would be very difficult to implement and result in expensive charges.
Supported participants from the network will be accommodated in these hotels by the conference organization on a first come first serve basis. Please indicate your preferences and accompanying persons in the application form.
Participants from outside the network will be also accommodated in these hotels within the available places: please find below the corresponding prices.

List of agreed Hotels

All rooms in the following hotels are with bathroom. Breakfast is included. In case you wish to share a double room, please say it in the application form.
Reservations to these hotels will be made by the conference secretariat on the basis of your indications in the application form. Please, do not contact the hotels directly. Web pages for all these hotels (but Villa Agape) can be found using Google.

How to reach the conference loacation from hotels