Tunguska2002 Researches


Photos in this page can be copied and published only with acknowledgment of the Tunguska Page of Bologna University:

Le foto in questa pagina possono essere copiate e pubblicate solo citando il sito Tunguska dell'Universita' di Bologna:

Best viewed with 1024 X 768 pixels (or higher)                                          

Cesium magnetometer.      
415 KB
Charging the batteries.      
213 KB
A track on the ground.      
88 KB
A track on the water.      
226 KB
Graphical interface.      
45 KB

Kulik's reference point.      
58 KB
Kulik's reference point.      
50 KB
Fast epicenter.      
65 KB
Farrington trian. point.      
45 KB
Farrington radio point.      
138 KB

A tree section.      
80 KB
A "twins" section.      
75 KB
Azimuth measurement.      
82 KB
The 1908 ring.      
78 KB
Tree ring enlargement.      
564 KB

Peat samples.      
72 KB
Column of peat.      
126 KB
Peat bog location.      
238 KB
The sample bags.      
369 KB
Trench depth measure.      
29 KB
                                                                                                                                                                                           Thumbnails created by IrfanView

To see enlarged images and captions, click on them               

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