Tunguska2008 recognition


Photos in this page can be copied and published only with acknowledgment of the Tunguska Page of Bologna University:

Le foto in questa pagina possono essere copiate e pubblicate solo citando il sito Tunguska dell'Universita' di Bologna:

Best viewed with 1024 X 768 pixels (or higher)                                          

Filming the bottom      
114 KB
Tree sampling.      
135 KB
At work on Cheko      
110 KB
Bottom trees.      
77 KB
At 15m depth.      
28 KB
Extracting cores.      
220 KB
struck by lightning      
271 KB
Fir born after 1908      
162 KB
Fir born before 1908      
Cheko, 30 June 2008      
114 KB
"Triple sun".      
52 KB
Northern Swamp.      
169 KB
Moscow Presentation      
135 KB
With Grechko.      
165 KB
I.T. Zotkin.      
211 KB
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Thumbnails created by IrfanView

To see enlarged images and captions, click on them               

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