The 2009 Tunguska Researches

Our researchers went to lake Cheko in July 2009 to test the hypothesis that Lake Cheko could be an impact crater.

Click here for the first press release

During the 8 days of stay at lake Cheko the following tasks were performed:

  • Study of the trees that survived the explosion, found presently on the lakeshores: they should preserve an important record on the impact dynamics.
  • The bottom of the lake has beem filmed in several locations, and it happens that all the deep part is covered by a carpet of branches. This is compatible with the hypothesis that a forest was there before the Tunguska event.  
  • Dense-spaced magnetometric survey of the lake bottom, that would allow us to estimate size and nature of the hypothetical buried object detected by our seismic reflection data below the lake bottom. To avoid as much as possible interferences by metal objects, the magnetometry has been done  with an inflatable rubber boat and plastic/wooden oars. The GPS and the notebook necessary  to record the position and the  magnetic readings where always kept in the same position. The suface of the lake has been entirely covered, going forward and back in many North/South (almost) stright lines, transversally separated by 10 m. The magnetometry data are currently under study. 
  • Collection of rock samples from the region surrounding the lake. The study of these rocks will help in interpreting the mineralogy of the lake’s deposits. 
  • Research on an old creek bed that  was possibly cut off or rerouted after the 1908 event. Difficulties in researching the creek bed arise due to the fact that 20 centimeters under the surface there is permafrost that cannot be dug up.  

Participants to the 2009 researches


Marco Cocchi


Romano Serra


Maurizio Serrazanetti


Carlo Stanghellini