Tunguska98 Recognition


Photos in this page can be copied and published only with acknowledgment of the Tunguska Page of Bologna University:

Le foto in questa pagina possono essere copiate e pubblicate solo citando il sito Tunguska dell'Universita' di Bologna:

Best viewed with 1024 X 768 pixels (or higher)                                          

The Vanavara airport.      
67.19 KB
The shaman stone.      
123.60 KB
Vanavara city.      
279.51 KB
Evenk party.      
149.03 KB
Evenk folklore group.      
120.49 KB
On the helicopter.      
102.88 KB
67.83 KB
Cosmonaut Grechko.      
111.43 KB
With our guides.      
142.90 KB
Victor Chernikov.      
97.25 KB
The 1995 forest fire.      
169.79 KB
Planning the camp.      
166.47 KB
July snow.      
233.23 KB
July snow closer.      
65.71 KB
The Churgim "crater".      
170.46 KB
Irina in Krasnoyarsk.      
99.81 KB
I. Kulik at Kulik's izba      
135.68 KB
Three aliens.      
132.24 KB
Lilia and Sveta.      
108.68 KB
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Thumbnails created by IrfanView

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